Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Blog Post #2

    This Video is a documentary about the supreme court. It goes in depth about the supreme court and how it works. I liked it because it was concise and it went in depth about the supreme court. I learned that the average supreme court justice is on the bench for 16 years. I thought the average number of years that a justice is on the bench would have been around 20 years. I was surprised by that fact because the justices are all significantly older. The most important takeaway from this video is that the supreme court justices obey the constitution. That is the most important takeaway from the video because it means that sometimes they have to exclude their politics when making decisions. The most surprising thing I learned from this video is that the average years that a justice serves on the bench is only 16 years. It is surprising to me because I thought the average would have been longer because the supreme court justices do not have term limits, so they can be on the bench for however long they want once they are appointed. I was also surprised by that fact because a lot of the current justices are significantly older, and it seems like a lot of the current justices stay on until they are dead. The video changed my way of thinking of the supreme court by saying they have to obey the constitution. I interpret that as they have to separate their politics from the constitution. I think that way because the constitution might say one thing, but they think a different way, so they have to separate their politics from their decision making. I think that is the best way of interpreting the supreme court because they should not try to be politicians if they have to obey the constitution.        

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Blog #11

     I have a mostly healthy relationship with technology. I am aware that I probably use my phone too much. As of right now, my daily avera...