Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Blog #9

    The positive aspects of artificial intelligence and machine technology becoming more and more advanced is the time it takes to do things. If there was a way to do things like organizing sources for a scholarly article and writing a book would be great. It would save so much time, and make peoples’ lives so much easier. It would save people so much time, energy, and money. 

    The pro about the new privacy laws in California are that tech companies can’t get your information if you don’t consent to it. It will give people their basic human right to privacy as they wish. There should be no one who is denied a basic right to privacy as they wish. A con about privacy is that it would not make the internet free. As the government cracks down on data mining, it forces the tech companies to start limiting the access of their service through subscriptions. It makes the internet less fun to pay for something that I could do for free in the past. 

    Artificial intelligence affects national security because tech companies are using it to track us. That is a part of national security because the government could just call the companies if they want information on somebody and get it in a matter of seconds. That is good if the person that they are getting the information from is evil, but that is bad that they could do that to anybody they want to even if they are not a threat or not. 

    It is bad for online security and identity theft because the thieves could use that technology to get your information faster. It is also good because the tech companies could also use that technology to protect you from security and identity theft. It is both good and bad. 


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Blog #11

     I have a mostly healthy relationship with technology. I am aware that I probably use my phone too much. As of right now, my daily avera...