Thursday, February 8, 2024

Blog Post #5

    I really found Arianna’s presentation about Google really interesting. I did not know that the co-founders of Google were Larry Page and Segy Bryn. I did not know that they both went to Stanford University in the 1990s as well. I also didn’t know that they were both studying computer engineering. I found it really interesting that Google was originally named Backrub. I think that is a really funny name compared to Google. I think that is a super weird name to have for an internet service. They also changed the name to Google really quickly. I am glad that they realized early that it was not a great name for a search engine. I can’t think of a way that you land on that name and decide to stick with it. They launched it with the name Backrub in 1996 and then changed it to Google after they received an investment in 1998. 

    I also found it really interesting that Google revolutionized the internet. Before Google, it would take forever to find information and do research. Now it takes seconds to do it. I also find it interesting that Google is continuing to make advancements in their field by offering a wide variety of services. Some of these services include Maps, Drive, Docs/ Slides, YouTube, Classroom, and Meet. I also found it interesting that the co-founders of Google were talking about making advancements in artificial intelligence in the year 2000. They said that artificial intelligence will help them with advancements in Google. Artificial Intelligence is now used in a wide variety of Google’s products. The main thing that Google uses artificial intelligence for is their sponsored search. It is what they use to bring people that use their site to get them what they are looking for. I think that this presentation was very informative and interesting. 

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Blog #11

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