Saturday, February 10, 2024

Blog Post #6

    I found the websites and The American Conservative to be very interesting. They have articles written about all the wars that the US is involved in. I think that the reason that people don’t hear about these stories in the mainstream media is because the government does not want people to hear about what they are doing wrong. The United States government always wants to be perceived as the “good guys” regardless if they are in the wrong or not. The US government will try to silence these sources by calling it “fake news” or “slander.” These journalists are forced to go to these lesser known sites to report, so they don’t get silenced. 


    I think that the reason that I have never heard of these websites is because the internet companies like “Google” and “Yahoo” don’t want people to find these websites. They would rather the major news sources that are supporting the wars that the United States are involved in because they are pressured by the government to do so. These companies do billions of dollars in business with the US government, so they do whatever the government asks of them so they do not lose their business with the government. If they refused to do what the government asked of them, the government would just cancel their business with them and go to some other company. 

    I think the reason that I have never heard of these websites is because these sources get labeled as either “fake news” by the internet companies. The mainstream media has been reporting on the wars that the US is the “good guys.” The mainstream media does not want to be accused of their reports being “fake news” and them being discredited as a reliable source. They want to continue to be a mainstream source, so they report what the people and government want to hear instead of the truth. 

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Blog #11

     I have a mostly healthy relationship with technology. I am aware that I probably use my phone too much. As of right now, my daily avera...