Sunday, February 18, 2024

Blog Post #7

    These TED talks were very interesting to me. They were all about different topics relating to technology and privacy. The first video was about how your internet profiles are permanent and are equivalent to tattoos. The second video was about how the police track you and keep your information whether it prevents crimes or not. The third video was about how the smartphone’s messaging and calling apps are now encrypted making it harder for people to monitor your calls. The fourth video was about the outcomes of revenge porn and why the government needs clear laws for punishment. The fifth video was about how your email is not private and could be easily monitored. The sixth and final video was about how peoples’ devices give up your data and privacy. 

    These issues affect my friends, family, and I because everybody I know and I use phones everyday and especially social media. It is now a social norm to be on your phone a frequent amount and have a social media presence. If you don’t have any social media presence you are labeled as a creep. It is important in today's society to have an online presence. 

    The government should not be listening in on any of our online communications and be policing themselves to do so. I believe that the government should not be observing our calls or any other online messaging that people do without probable cause. When governments act like this, it is no different than a dictatorship that controls what people say and do. I do not think that the USA should be a police state. 

    I also think that there should be clear laws and punishment against revenge porn. I think that it is a hainass act to violate someone's privacy like that. It should not be a mistometer at all. It should be punished with huge fines and a long prison sentence. 

    We can protect ourselves better by continuing to use the phone and messaging apps on our smartphones. I think that is the best way to protect ourselves because those apps are encrypted. It is easier to get personal information off an email than a text message. I think that is the best way to protect ourselves. 

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Blog #11

     I have a mostly healthy relationship with technology. I am aware that I probably use my phone too much. As of right now, my daily avera...